Urban Motion After Schools

Urban Motion's after school programs aim to inspire creativity, develop physical fitness, and empower young people through a fun and safe environment. Get in touch with us today using the form at the bottom of the page to learn more about how Urban Motion can enhance your school's after school offerings.


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Urban Motion After School Programs

Urban Motion provides after school programs tailored for schools looking to offer dynamic and engaging activities to their students. Our range of options include Hip Hop, Parkour, Skateboarding, and Graffiti, allowing schools to choose activities that best suit their students' interests and preferences.

Flexible Options

Schools have the flexibility to pick a single activity or mix and match different activities based on their students' preferences. Whether it's exploring the rhythm of Hip Hop, the creativity of Graffiti, the agility of Parkour, or the thrill of Skateboarding, Urban Motion ensures that students have a well-rounded and exciting after school experience.

Convenient Payment

To simplify the process for schools and parents, Urban Motion offers convenient payment options. Schools can choose to have parents directly pay for the after school sessions through our online booking portal or opt for invoicing the school directly, ensuring a hassle-free experience for all parties involved.

After School Booking Form